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१७.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २६२

Samajwadi Morcha sit in the administration asking to build the bridge quickly

महेश केसी

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The Samajwadi Morcha Rukum Paschim staged a dharna at the district administration office demanding the speedy construction of the motorized bridge which has been stalled for the last 4 years at Pitibang river located in Musikot 11 and 12.

Samajwadi Morcha sit in the administration asking to build the bridge quickly

The front, which is made up of parties including the Maoist Center and the United Socialists, staged a dharna on Thursday saying that the people were suffering because the bridge was not built. Sachin Roka, district coordinator of Morcha, said that a pressure sit-in was held with the demand that "either the construction should be done soon or the contract should be cancelled".

'Since this bridge has not been built for a long time, traffic has come to a standstill during the rainy season. The bridge was not built even though we were asked to build it time and time again, he said, 'We are on strike so that there is pressure to get the work started soon.' An agreement was made to build the bridge with estimates. Although the construction was supposed to be completed on 7th Baisakh, only one pillar has been erected so far.

Even though the Maoist center is in the government, Roka says that they are forced to sit in the administration for the construction of the bridge. "Even if our party is in the government, it is our responsibility to move forward by creating public pressure on matters of public interest and concern," he said.

Devi Oli, a member of Morcha and a leader of the United Socialist Party, said that earlier a letter of attention had been submitted through the district administration office and a sit-in was also held at the bridge construction site. She said that there is a plan to hold a sit-in at the Chaurjahari Road Division office on Friday.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १५, २०८० १६:१३
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