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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २१३

Is 'rape culture' developing in Nepali society?

जनकराज सापकोटा

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It seems that 11,768 cases of rape have been registered in the Nepal Police in the 5 years since the financial year 2075/76. This data shows that on an average, more than 7 women are victims of rape every day.

Is 'rape culture' developing in Nepali society?

The most frightening part is that, during this period, 1403 girls under the age of 10 were raped. That is, more than 1 girl child under 10 years of age is being raped every day. According to the police, there seems to be no decrease in rape cases every year.

There are not only cases of rape but also cases of attempted rape. In the 5 years since the financial year 2075/76, it seems that 3,427 cases of extortion industry have been registered with the police. A large number of girls under the age of 10 are also involved in rape attempts. In 5 financial years, 1825 girls were raped.

The incidents of rape are increasing every year and there are a large number of girls under the age of 10 among the victims, but it seems sad that there is no discussion about such a serious situation. Such a situation has been defined by 'Southern Connecticut State University' in the US as 'rape culture' i.e. rape culture.

Rape and sexual violence have been normalized and the media and social influencers have defined the society as 'rape culture'. In 'rape culture', patriarchal language, presenting women's body as an object and glorifying sexual violence, ignores women's rights and security.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन २५, २०८० १८:५८
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