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An opportunity to prove Hungarian and Swiss


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Hungary and Switzerland will play their first match at Euro 2024 on Saturday. It will be an opportunity for both teams to prove themselves. It will be the result of this match, which will give an early indication of which team will advance to the second round from Group A. Until last week, Hungary was on a unique unbeaten run in itself.

An opportunity to prove Hungarian and Swiss

It lasted for 20 months. On the other hand, Switzerland is in a bad shape. So the team will have to perform well against Hungary. This alone will give the team some confidence. Switzerland was the easiest group in the

selection. The performance of the team was not good at all. The Swiss team could only beat Andorra in their last 8 matches. After that, even after taking the early lead in 4 games, Switzerland could not save it. These matches were twice against Kosovo and once each against Romania and Israel. Along with these two teams, hosts Germany and Scotland are in Group A. In a way, it's a very open group, in which all kinds of possibilities will be open.

Italy's football coach Marco Rossi has introduced that style to the Hungarian national team, which can be considered highly aggressive. In which the speed is also the same. It is equally exciting to watch. Undefeated since 2022, Hungary has also won against England and Germany. The key player in Rossi's team is Dominique Soboslai. The whole Hungarian team is around him. He just turned 23. Not only

, he is also the youngest captain in this Euro. He missed the Euro 2020 due to injury. In his absence, matches against heavyweights like France and Germany ended in draws. Because of this, the team was forced to return home early. This is one reason why Soboslai is motivated to perform well this time. "We want to go as far as we can," he says. There is a great unity among the team. We are entering the tournament with great enthusiasm, because we have nothing to lose.''He adds, 'If we play football with a positive intention, we can achieve great things.' . It will bring back memories of the team's best performance in the last Euros. France was defeated by the Swiss team on penalties and was eliminated from the tournament.

Swiss defender Sylvan Widmer is not too worried about his team's recent performance. He says, “We are all enthusiastic for a good performance. The team spirit is also remarkable. We are eagerly waiting for the tournament and can't wait to take the field. The enthusiasm for good performances has returned to our team. We will face the Hungarian challenge well. We give everything we can to this game.'

प्रकाशित : असार १, २०८१ ०६:४१
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