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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Volleyball Franchise League Agreement with Kedia


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The national game of Nepal is going to be franchise league of volleyball. The Nepal Volleyball Association signed a sponsorship agreement with Kedia Group Pvt Ltd for the NMVL league on Sunday.

Volleyball Franchise League Agreement with Kedia

The agreement letter was signed by Jitendra Bahadur Chand, President of Volleyball Association and Bimal Kumar Kedia, Managing Director of Kedia Group.

It is said that this contract will last for 7 years. Kedia Group will manage the entire expenses of the franchise league. Also, Kedia Group will provide 35 lakh rupees to Nepal Volleyball Association every year. The president of the association, Chand, informed that the first edition of the franchise league is aimed to be held in the capital from January to February. After that, the aim of the association is to carry out other hybridization in other cities on the basis of home and away. Bimal Kumar Kedia, managing director of

sponsor group, said that he was enthusiastic about signing a franchise league agreement with Rashtriya Khel Volleyball and expressed his belief that through the league, players, coaches and the volleyball association will be helped to become businessmen. Chairman Chand said that

franchise league will be informed in detail later.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १३, २०८१ २२:३०
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