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२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Malasaka Dukha: Go 22 km to sell farm produce

भवानी भट्ट

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Parashuram Municipality-7 Malas of Dadeldhura, Kalsi Dhami's garden has ripened fruits. She also makes amriso pulp planted in the garden. In order to sell fruits and vegetables, he has to walk for three to four hours to reach Kanchanpur headquarters Mahendranagar market.

Malasaka Dukha: Go 22 km to sell farm produce

Twice or thrice a week, she goes through the Chure forest to Mahendranagar market carrying Amriso leaves, ghee, honey, peaches, kafal etc. With its income, she buys things like salted oil, soap, cinnamon, etc. needed for the house. After all this work, it is already evening. "You can reach here at nine/ten o'clock only after walking away from home," Dhami said. Fruit producers reach Mahendranagar two/three times a week and ghee and honey producers reach Mahendranagar once. In the Malas area of ​​Parashuram Municipality, vehicles are moving at random. But his rent is very high. One-way fare of 20/22 km from Basti Malas in Chure area to Mahendranagar is 300 rupees. The income from selling their products is sufficient to cover the two-way fare of 600 rupees, so they often commute on foot. In the rainy season, even walking is difficult. Krishna Dhami of Malas said, "Until the rains come, we sell the fruits and make arrangements for salted oil and flour rice. "After the rains, all the roads are closed. Vegetables and fruits such as chilli, ginger, cucumber, parsley, sour cream are produced in Malas.

'It is an old tradition to carry fruits and other products from Malas to Doka and sell them to bring home goods,' said Karna Bahadur Dhami, the ward president of Parashuram Municipality-7, 'The road tracks have been opened everywhere in the village, but due to the lack of upgrading, they are regularly used. According to him, due to the high fares of split-foot vehicles, locals used to go around on foot.

Malasai Prem Kami's son is suffering from heart disease. He is being treated in Delhi, India. Prem is regularly going back and forth to Delhi to take care of his son. There has been a lot of trouble in managing expenses for my son, who has been undergoing treatment in Delhi for a month. Kami said, "This is the road we walk even when it's raining. It also closes during the rainy season." According to Chairman Dhami, road tracks have been opened in Garikhan, Kasan, Malas, Lamidada, Baddimalas and other areas of Ward 7. One/two people drive vehicles individually in that area. That is also not regular. During the rainy season, the roads are blocked, so the vehicles that run on foot are also stopped.

Mahendranagar is shorter than reaching Parashuram, the center of Parashuram municipality for the residents here. The distance from Malas to Parashuram is 25 km. Regular vehicles do not ply in that area either. "If the road is upgraded, you can reach Mahendranagar in half an hour," said President Dhami, "We have opened the Zenten track, which will be blocked again during the dry season." . As there is no electricity service, Malas has two diesel powered mills. But the rate of Kutani Pisani is 10 rupees per kg. That's why the residents here have to go to Tarai for Kutani Pisani.

प्रकाशित : असार १, २०८१ २२:१०
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