कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
१७.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २६९

Chaulagai, who was injured in the fire in Kalikot, also died


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50-year-old Nandaram Choulagai died on Wednesday afternoon after being injured in a fire in Navadurga Community Forest in Khadachakra 5 Dhadgaon.

Choulagai, who was injured in a forest fire while grazing his goats on 2nd Chait, died at the Karnali Province Hospital in Surkhet. He was kept in ICU for 4 days. Despite all efforts for treatment, Dr. was unsuccessful. KN Paudel said.

Chaulagai's relative Hiramani Chaulagai informed that the cremation will be done on Thursday in Bheri river in Surkhet. Her 12-year-old daughter Hemanti, who was injured in the fire, died on Monday afternoon.

On Friday, Hemanti and her father were burnt and injured in the fire while going to deliver bread to his father, who was a shepherd in the forest below the house. 45 of their goats were also burned to death.

Both the injured father and son were taken to Surkhet by helicopter on Saturday evening.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र ७, २०८० २०:५२
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