कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
१७.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २२२

Father and son injured in forest fire


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Khandachakra Municipality- 5 Damri, a father and son were injured due to fire in Navadurga Community Forest. 50-year-old Nandaram Choulagai and his 12-year-old daughter Hemanti of Khandachakra-5 Dhad village who went to extinguish the fire in the Navadurga community forest near the village at 3 pm on Friday, were injured in the fire, said Poshan Thapa, Acting Chief of District Police Office Kalikot.

Father and son injured in forest fire

Police inspector Thapa informed that they went to graze goats in the community forest and got burnt while trying to put out the fire in the forest. Their goats were also burnt. Local Sadanand Timilsina said that 18 out of 30 goats were burnt by the fire. They were burnt by the fire while checking whether their goats were burnt or not.

Manam district hospital for treatment of injured father and daughter due to body burns Karnali Health Sciences Institute Jumla District hospital chief Dr. Sanket Vishwakarma said. According to him, 60 percent of the body of the injured has been burned.

The fire that broke out in the Balle Kandh forest of Khadachakra-2 Thamkot here since Thursday has not yet been brought under control. Devichandra Pandey, a local, said that they could not go to extinguish the fire because of the fire.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र ३, २०८० ०८:०५
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