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२७.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ६३

The flood swept away the concrete bridge over the Timang river

आश गुरुङ

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The flood in the Timang river in Manang has also washed away the sloped concrete bridge. As the kathe bridge in the upper area was washed away on Tuesday evening, the concrete bridge in the lower area was also washed away at night.

The flood swept away the concrete bridge over the Timang river

2 years ago, replacing the previous Kathe bridge, a concrete bridge was constructed at 2 places in Timang, Big Chhara and Small Chhara.

The incessant rain that fell since Tuesday afternoon and the subsequent floods initially washed away the kathe bridge in the upper area and then washed away the concrete bridge at night, said Yuvraj Aryal, the assistant chief district officer of Manang. He said that the disaster management committee will hold a meeting immediately and proceed with opening the road.

According to Chin Bahadur Ghale, the head of District Coordination Committee Manang, the bridge was swept away by the flood and stones were piled up on the road. He said that the road connection for the upper Manang area including the headquarters Chame with the lower area is broken.

When the Nepali Army opened the track to Manang headquarters Chame in 2069, a bridge was placed in this area. Slab culvert bridge in Big Chehra was constructed with an investment of Rs 19 lakh 94 thousand 372 rupees and Slab culvert bridge in Small Chehra was constructed with an investment of Rs 11 lakh 85 thousand 539 51 paise.

The Manang administration has informed that the bridge of the big bridge has been completely washed away and the small bridge has been damaged by stones and gravel.

प्रकाशित : असार १९, २०८१ १०:३८
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