कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५८

Landslide has blocked the road for two weeks, and the settlement is at risk

प्रकाश बराल

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Traffic has been halted for two weeks due to a landslide in Bhundi River, which is located on the border of Kathekhola Rural Municipality 6 and 8 of the district. Pedestrians have also suffered due to landslides.

Landslide has blocked the road for two weeks, and the settlement is at risk

Due to the landslide, the locals are forced to walk a three-hour circuitous road to reach the village office. The landslide that occurred in Bhundi River two weeks ago has not yet been brought under control. Pramanand Kandel, chairman of Ward No. 8, said that landslides are continuing. "Since there is no road to the municipality, we are forced to go through Pokhara in Ward 5 to Ward 6," Kandel said.

Ward no. Even the village of 6 hundred of 8 is at risk. "It's been two weeks that the farmers of the village have not been able to send the vegetables and milk to the market, no one is interested in how we have been living," said the local Gaumati Sunar, "We are forced to live in the neighbor's house after the landslide." Local Lal Bahadur Roka and Meen Prasad Punko The family has been displaced. Kandel said that 25 houses in the village called Sirimpata are at risk.

Ward president informed the District Disaster Management Committee about the long-standing problem of landslides. Chief District Officer Netra Subedi said that since the information was received late, what can be done will be investigated. The then District Land Conservation Office had put Kathekhola Rural Municipality-8, 7 and 6 in the high risk list as Bhundikhola watershed area. Currently, there is no control plan after the office is abolished.

Similarly, the playground of Lekhani Mavi has become dry after the landslide that occurred in Okhle due to the rain since Tuesday morning. Headmaster Khimanand Kandel informed that there is a risk to teaching students as the curtain is torn even inside the classroom. He complained that he was in a quandary as to how to teach when the school opened, even though it was safe because there were no students.

प्रकाशित : असार १८, २०८१ १८:२८
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