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Ban on 'ride sharing' in Pokhara, Pathao's objection

दीपक परियार

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The Transport Management Office Kaski issued a notice on June 7 to stop 'ride sharing', the process of transferring passengers through the app. Although it has been said that action will be taken against those involved if they continue to carry passengers despite the notification, Pathao and Indrive have not stopped their services in Pokhara.

Ban on 'ride sharing' in Pokhara, Pathao's objection

Pathao Nepal has objected to the move of Transport Management Office Kaski. Last Sunday, in a discussion with the media in Pokhara, the managing director of Pathao Nepal, Asimmansingh Basnyat, objected to the fact that the transport office unilaterally restricted the ride-sharing platform without following the legal practices in the past.

A writ was filed in the Patan High Court about 5 years ago against Pathao, which was providing ride-sharing services in Kathmandu Valley. Hearing on the said writ, the High Court related The agency was also ordered to draft additional laws necessary to manage the ride sharing platform and not to close the ride sharing.

At that time, in Section 13 (4) of the Provincial Vehicle and Transport Management Act, 2075, four-wheelers and two-wheelers with registration certificates for private purposes can transport passengers by completing the prescribed procedures and taking the prescribed fare on their route and carrying passenger insurance. is . Based on that, the court decided. In the judgment, under the right to profession, business and employment, there is also the right to a healthy business. It is mentioned that transport service should be of good quality as consumers have the right to receive it.

After that, the Transport Management Department issued a notice on 29th February 2076 not to stop ride sharing. The department also drew the attention of the subordinate offices to work accordingly on the basis of the decision of the High Court of Patan.

Basnyat said that it is not appropriate for the Transport Management Office to take into consideration the order of the Transport Department and proceed to close it directly instead of organizing it. "Just like ride sharing was facilitated in Wagmati province in the past, there is a need for facilitation in Gandaki too," he said.

The company has mentioned that it has been expanding its services in accordance with the law, even though it has been clearly explained that it can be operated by renting as specified in the Transport Act. Pathao Nepal has said that the company is operating now based on the fact that the Department of Transportation is allowing ride sharing to operate and the court has also ordered it not to close.

We have been operating ride sharing in Nepal according to the Transport Act by working from a 24-hour call center to providing ride sharing insurance for the first time in Nepal. If the government makes a procedure, we are ready to proceed accordingly. If the law is unclear, it is the job of the court to interpret it,' Basnyat They say, 'But it is wrong for the Transport Office to order its own talukdar department and to devalue the order of the High Court to close its own business.' Started a ride sharing business . At that time, Basnyat informed that Pathao corresponded with the ministry, district administration office and police for necessary coordination and facilitation.

Head of Transport Office Pokhara, Dilliram Rizal, said that because it was found that private vehicles were operating 'ride sharing' services against the law, it was stopped. Although there is a provision in the Vehicle and Transport Regulation Regulations-2080 to legalize the transport services through the 'Ride Sharing' app in Gandaki Province, the procedure for regulation has not been made . In the regulations, four-wheeled and two-wheeled vehicles with registration certificate for private purposes are allowed to carry passengers after completing the prescribed procedure with passenger insurance.

'Ride-sharing services have not been regulated in Gandaki province since the regulations were not made,' Rizal, the head of the office, said, 'Currently, without taking the permission of the transport office, passengers are being transported through a voluntary app. Private vehicles have not checked whether the fare adjusted by the transport office is in accordance with the fare. Ride sharing service is illegal in Gandaki state.'

प्रकाशित : असार १८, २०८१ १८:०३
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