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Authority raids in Pokhara metropolis

दीपक परियार

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The Abuse of Authority Investigation Commission has started an investigation into the fact that the Pokhara Metropolitan Municipality gave a revenue discount of Rs. The Pokhara office of the authority raided the office of the Pokhara metropolis on Tuesday and seized the documents.

Authority raids in Pokhara metropolis

Jagdish Chandra Sivakoti, Spokesperson of the Authority Pokhara Office, said that the investigation has been started with all the documents in this regard. "We have taken control of all the documents that were used when the revenue exemption was given to Manipal Hospital," he said, "we will conduct a detailed investigation in this regard." In the Auditor General's report 2076/77, it was mentioned that Manipal has to pay 215.7 million 11 thousand 798 rupees to the metropolis along with the penalty for passing the map. But the 16th executive meeting held on Chait 10, 2079 decided to give a huge discount in revenue. The metropolis charged only 1 crore 75 lakh 53 thousand rupees and gave the map pass and building completion certificate. In this way, the revenue that will be exempted will be 19 crore 81 lakh 11 thousand rupees.

The report of the Auditor General 2079/80, which was published recently, has instructed Manipal Hospital to recover the revenue due to the rules. The report mentions that since the basis and reason for giving the revenue discount is not mentioned, it should be recovered.

Executive members have said that tax exemption to Manipal is not on the agenda in the 16th meeting. Shyamakrishna Thapa, the chief administrative officer of the metropolis, said that the map was passed according to the decision of the executive and the decision of the revenue consultation committee.

प्रकाशित : असार १८, २०८१ १९:२०
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