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२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

The budget of Gandaki province is 32 billion 97 million 85 million [full text]

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Gandaki province has released a budget of 32 billion 97 crore 85 lakh 75 thousand rupees for the financial year 2081/082. This is almost 450 million rupees less than the current financial year. For the current year, the government had allocated a budget of 33 billion 42 crore 72 million rupees.

The budget of Gandaki province is 32 billion 97 million 85 million [full text]

Economic Affairs Minister Takaraj Gurung announced the budget on Saturday and informed that 13 billion 16 million 582 thousand i.e. 39.91 percent and 19 billion 51 million 79 million 93 thousand i.e. 59.19 percent have been allocated for capital. 3 crore (0.90 percent) has been allocated towards

financial management. Out of that amount, 1 crore 76 lakh 11 thousand percent will be spent on the reserve fund in the next financial year. 7 billion 638 million from the federal government for financial equalization, 9 billion 6112 million for revenue distribution, 481 million for royalty distribution, 3 billion 101 million for conditional grants, 119 million for complete grants and 65555 million for special grants. is.

It is estimated that 5.17 billion domestic revenue will be generated from revenue mobilization of the province. In addition, the estimated balance of 2.94 billion will be spent in the current financial year. Finance Minister Gurung said that if the amount is insufficient, he will take an internal loan of 1.7 billion.

1 billion 160 million rupees have been allocated towards financial transfer at the local level (all four grants, financial equalization, supplementary, conditional and special).

full text

प्रकाशित : असार १, २०८१ १७:५७
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