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२५.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १७६

Foodstuffs for the candidates of SEE by the municipality

प्रताप विष्ट

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Makwanpur's Raksirang Rural Municipality has provided food to the examinees who came from the village for SEE.

Foodstuffs for the candidates of SEE by the municipality

Raksirang rural municipality of the district has provided 12 and a half kilos of rice along with pulses, oil and salt to the candidates who came from remote areas to take the SEE exam at the center of the municipality. Raksirang Rural Municipality The municipality has provided food to 203 candidates who are in the center of SEE at Praja Bikas Secondary School located in Central Chainpur. There are students of Silinge Mavi of Raksirang, Kalika Mavi of Khairang, Shri Mavi Devitar and Kalika Mavi of Raksirang who are facing shortage of food in the examination center.

After walking for hours, they arrived at Praja Vikas Mavi in ​​Chainpur on Wednesday to take the SEE exam. "They are staying with the shelter of their relatives, but since food is a problem, the village council has provided 12 and a half kg of rice, half a kg of salt, one liter of oil and one kg of pulses to the candidates," said Rajkumar Malla, president of the village.

The rural municipality did not provide food to the students coming to take the SEE exam from nearby schools. There are 281 examinees in that center. Chairman Malle stated that only 203 of them were provided with food by the rural municipality.

This is the first time that an SEE center has been set up in Raksirang. There are 1 hundred and 4 Chepang examinees in the center, which is a Chepang-majority area. In the SEE exam starting from Thursday, 5 people, including 3 visually impaired people, will take the exam with helpers.

6 thousand 171 students from 126 schools of Makwanpur district will participate in SEE. This number is 171 more than last year's examinees. Dinanath Gautam, Head of Education Development and Coordination Unit, Makwanpur said that there are 84 examinees on the open side.

In Bhimfedi Jail, one prisoner is also a student. The work of sending the question papers and answer sheets to the examination centers for SEE has already been done. The exam will end on March 27.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १४, २०८० १७:३६
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