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२६.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ७३

49 parents who marry after their daughter's age are honored

सुनिता बराल

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Matihani Municipality of Mahottari has honored 49 parents who married their daughters only after completing 20 years of age.

49 parents who marry after their daughter's age are honored

According to the municipality, such parents have been honored for giving a good message to the society as part of the child marriage reduction program. In a program held on Tuesday, Matihani Municipality Chief Hari Prasad Mandal and Mahottari Chief District Officer Shivram Gelal presented dosalla and certificates to 49 parents who married their daughters after completing 20 years of age.

Women, Children and Senior Citizens Branch Head Deepa Das said that parents recommended by the ward were honored with the aim of discouraging child marriage. Speaking at the event, the city councilor said that the municipality honored those who did something different to discourage child marriage in the society and to send a message to others to follow suit. The council informed that the municipality has a goal of making the municipality free from child marriage by the year 2083. Chief District Officer Gelal said that child marriage should be stopped as it is a social crime and crime. In the

program, all district level office heads have praised Matihani's work saying that it is good. Matihani has been conducting various public awareness programs within the municipality for the past 1 year to discourage child marriage, according to the women, children and senior citizens branch of the municipality.

प्रकाशित : असार १८, २०८१ १८:११
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