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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ९५

Furdiku was locked in a cage because she could not get treatment

डम्बरसिं राई

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29-year-old Furdiku Sherpa of Diktel Rupakot Majhuwagadhi Municipality-13 Nunthala Gari has been locked in a cage for a month due to lack of finances. His mental balance is unusual. It is said that he can be cured if he is treated in a well-equipped hospital. But due to lack of finances, the family is keeping him captive as he cannot get treatment.

Furdiku was locked in a cage because she could not get treatment

Her 65-year-old father, Pemakshetar Sherpa, said that he had to be locked in a cage after he attacked people, used abusive language, and left the house. After losing his mental balance since January 3rd, Furdiku has been locked in a cage since January 16th.

'It's your child, love is as much as it is, it's not being held back,' he said, 'attacking others, speaking abusively, leaving the house and walking, fearing that one's life will die, what to do without holding back .' ;

Furdiku has been affected by this disease since the year 2067. According to Pemakshetra, he was affected by this disease while preparing for the SLC examination.

'The same thing happened during the Corona epidemic, at that time he was cured after being taken to Patan Hospital and treated for 45 days,' he said, 'but now there is no money for treatment. .'

Furdiku is locked in a cage in the courtyard. Cloth is spread on the floor so that it is warm and warm vinegar is given . Babu Pemakshetar told that eating, snacking and defecation were all done in the cage. Furdiku sings in Bechet all day long. Among Pemakshetar's two brothers and three sisters, she is the eldest daughter of the family. After this condition of the daughter, the family is in pain.

Furdiku's 62-year-old mother, Nimle Sherpa, said that after about three and a half years of her husband's death, Betha Balzhe. She was married to Dajang Sherpas of Chinamkhu of Bhojpur Temkemayu rural municipality in 2072.

Nimle said that her husband passed away while undergoing treatment for heart disease and Furdiku's life ended after a year. ``My daughter is in this situation,'' she said while watching her singing, ``Who understands our situation?''

Furdiku has a 6-year-old son, Sangam. He studies in class-3 at Janakalyan Pvt. Hurlung. Pemakshetar said that sometimes the daughter beats the grandson unconscious. "Asti one day, the mother almost killed her grandson by beating him," he said, "thankfully, he was saved by knowing". "This disease is from my daughter's childhood, we are wondering if our government will help us until later," he said, "The government can do it if it wants to, but we have to have a sense of support from the heart."

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन १२, २०८० १९:५३
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