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Trump-Biden sparks more debate

A search for Biden's last option within the Democratic Party due to his poor performance in the debates also raises the possibility that the political landscape could change. The next debate between Trump and Biden is scheduled for September 10.
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The 90-minute long debate between the two US presidential candidates, Joe Biden and Donald Trump, at the CNN studio in Atlanta on Thursday was historic from different perspectives. Never before have the two surefire candidates in November's presidential election met before the primaries.

Trump-Biden sparks more debate

The debate comes two weeks before Trump was convicted and sentenced on 34 tax-related charges. The debate between two candidates who have become US president is also the first in US history. Due to several such reasons, the historical debate became apolitical and focused more on accusations. In this, debates have been added within the Democratic Party from the search for an alternative to Biden for the presidential candidate to the scenario of the possible arrival of Trump.

While speaking for about 36 minutes, Biden spent 13 minutes attacking Trump, while while speaking for 41 minutes, Trump spent 18 minutes criticizing Biden. There was a heated debate between them about each other's character and policies. When Biden went so far as to say he had sex with a porn star while his wife was pregnant, Trump attacked Biden's son as a high-level criminal. Biden's struggle to resist Trump's attacks has disappointed the supporters of the Democratic Party. During the debate, Biden appeared very upset at first and his voice was unnatural. He was speaking out of context. As the debate progressed, there was an improvement in it, but it did not come true. Biden has not been able to really talk about many issues, including abortion, which has become a major issue for him.

Similarly, Biden missed an opportunity to make a strong case for Trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election. While questions about Biden's age are being raised, it would have been important for him to address voters' concerns about his age, but he failed. Biden is 81 and Trump is 78. He missed an important opportunity to show energy to the American people in Thursday's debate. Biden did not show the same energy as in his State of the Union address in March. Although there was a written speech at the time, no note-taking was allowed in this debate. While the Democrats were disappointed with Biden's presentation, the Republicans were ready to declare Trump's victory in the debate. The list of lies made by Trump and Biden in the

debate was long. Biden's claim that Trump's proposal to raise tariffs by 10 percent on most U.S. imports would cost the average American $2,500 a year was false. Because doing so costs only $2,350 per American household annually. Similarly, Trump falsely accused Biden of wanting to raise taxes fourfold. Trump falsely accused Social Security of being burdened by millions of immigrants coming to America and Biden destroying Social Security. While most undocumented workers pay contributions to Social Security, they may not receive the benefits provided by Social Security.

Similarly, Trump accused that the price of food in the United States has quadrupled since Biden became president, while the price of food has only increased by 20 percent. Trump also accused Biden of taking payments from China. Trump made about 3 dozen major false accusations against Biden, while Biden made half a dozen accusations against Trump. Biden said the unemployment rate in America was 15 percent when he took office, which is flat out wrong. At that time, the unemployment rate was 6.4 percent. As Trump continues to attack, Biden just keeps saying he's lying instead of logically countering it. In one place, Trump even asked Biden not to behave like a child. The debate was watched by nearly 50 million people.

Biden also faced Trump's attacks on international policy. However, he could not resist it. Warning that World War III is imminent, Trump noted that Russia's war in Ukraine under Biden and Israel's war against Hamas are destroying the world. Trump, who said Putin's end-of-war terms were unacceptable, encouraged Israel to end its work against Hamas. However, he did not say what his policy would be in these key battles if he were elected president. Trump, who has criticized the manner in which US troops are withdrawing from Afghanistan, has also opposed US military aid to Ukraine. Trump accused Biden of inciting Russia to war. However, the Biden administration sent the director of the CIA to Russia to prevent interference in Ukraine.

While many are concerned about immigration, they have tried to prove themselves adept with the help of lies. Trump alleged that illegal immigrants are being housed in luxury hotels and veterans who have fought in the US military are on the streets. He claimed that the US border was the most secure in history during his tenure. Biden claimed that due to the new law he introduced, the number of immigrants coming to the United States illegally across the border has decreased by 40 percent compared to the past, and that this is a better situation than when Trump left the White House. However, the truth is different. Since Biden issued the new executive order in early June, the number of immigrants crossing the border without visas alone has dropped by 40 percent compared to last year. Visa-free border crossings were generally lower under Trump than under Biden. While the debates about inflation, taxes, Ukraine and the future of democracy were interesting during the

debate, the discussion of important issues was overshadowed by the focus on personal attacks. Despite Biden's poor performance, it is too early to predict the election results. Because in the survey just before the debate, both are seen as equal.

Also, in a few days, Trump will be sentenced for the crimes he was convicted of, so the political landscape after that may be different than expected. A search for Biden's last option within the Democratic Party due to his poor performance in the debates also raises the possibility that the political landscape could change. The next debate between Trump and Biden is scheduled for September 10.

प्रकाशित : असार १९, २०८१ ०७:१२
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