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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२२

Agreement between Congress-UML to form a power alliance, Oli and Deuba as prime minister


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Nepali Congress, the largest party in the parliament, and CPN-UML, the second largest party, have agreed to form an alliance for power management.

Agreement between Congress-UML to form a power alliance, Oli and Deuba as prime minister

It has been agreed to form a government under the leadership of UML President KP Sharma Oli and to form a government under the leadership of Sher Bahadur Deuba for the second term.

In the agreement reached on Monday night, which party will take over how many ministries and which party will take over the leadership of how many provincial governments in the province are also .

Drafting of consensus One According to the information given by the Congress leader, it is mentioned in the first point that 'a government of national consensus will be formed under the leadership of UML president KP Sharma Oli and Deuba will become the prime minister after one and a half years.'

In the Oli-led government, it has been agreed that UML will take over 9 ministries including the Ministry of Finance and Nepali Congress will take over 10 ministries including the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Similarly, UML will lead Kosi, Lumbini and Karnali state governments while Congress will lead Bagmati, Gandaki and Sudurpaschim state governments . It has been agreed to give the leadership of the Madhes state government to the Madhes party.

It has also been agreed to form a constitutional amendment suggestion committee under the leadership of former Chief Justice Kalyan Shrestha to amend the constitution including the election system. The leaders of UML have not said anything concrete about this agreement.

Congress and After the discussion between the leaders of UML on Monday evening, a draft of agreement has been prepared and the leaders of both parties are in mutual discussion as preparation for finalizing it. At the meeting at night The Congress leader informed that there may be a formal signature.

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ २३:३८
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