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२५.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Release President Sirohia, initiate inquiry into Home Minister: Asian Human Rights Commission


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The Asian Human Rights Commission has commented that the arrest of Kantipur Media Group Chairman Kailash Sirohia is a personal vendetta against the media and demanded his immediate release.

Release President Sirohia, initiate inquiry into Home Minister: Asian Human Rights Commission

'Calls for the release of Sirohia. Our organization does not believe that the ongoing investigation against Sirohia should be stopped, but it should come within the scope of standard procedures and laws practiced nationally and internationally.' His involvement in embezzlement and dual citizenship and passport misuse should be investigated.' Home Minister Lamichhane misused the political power he gained overnight, and the commission is of the opinion that he tried to keep the media silent by writing a series of news stories about saving the savings of poor Nepalis in cooperatives. 'This is a drama of political revenge against the media . Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane has misused the political power he gained overnight to cut food and other daily necessities for the future of himself and his children, and has tried to silence the media that published series of news about his active and conscious involvement in the embezzlement of crores of rupees from poor Nepali people who save in cooperatives.

The Asian Human Rights Commission says that Sirohia's citizenship is not at the level of arrest.

'The real reason is not the irregularity in Sirohia's citizenship . It is a message to the media not to publish news against Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane. And, it will not stop there' said the commission, 'this sequence will be continued and other media will also be targeted to keep them silent .'

Bhutanese refugee scam, gold smuggling scandal, Giribandhu land scam, Maoist cantonment scam, embezzlement of co-operative savings, politicians are involved in corruption The Commission has mentioned that the example involved can be seen.

On this matter, the Prime Minister and Home Minister Lamichhane In order to proceed with the investigation, the commission has mentioned that the international community and especially the donor agencies of Nepal should take initiative. Otherwise, political impunity and corruption will continue in Nepal.

"They have mocked the press, the fourth organ of the state, by suppressing the national and international call to respect freedom of the press and freedom of expression" is in the statement of the commission.

Home Minister Lamichhane is not above the law of the country and the commission is of the opinion that he should stand before the court of law and prove that he is not guilty.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १३, २०८१ २०:०४
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