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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

The arrest of Sirohia is a product of revenge: Former Chief Minister Shah

अर्जुन शाह

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The Congress MPs of Sudurpaschim Province protested against the arrest of Kantipur Media Group Chairman Kailash Sirohia by the government in a terrorist manner.

The arrest of Sirohia is a product of revenge: Former Chief Minister Shah

Addressing the Sudurpaschim provincial level conference of Nepal Press Union held in Dhangadhi on Saturday, Kamal Bahadur Shah, the former Chief Minister of the Sudurpaschim and leader of the Nepali Congress parliamentary party, said that President Sirohia was arrested from the media house in retaliation for writing continuous news about the fraud in cooperatives and the involvement of Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane.

'Sirohia's arrest has been done to scare all the media,' said Shah, the leader of the parliamentary party, 'Until Sirohia's release, there will be continuous protests.'

Similarly, Prakash Bahadur Deuba, the former Minister of the Far West and current MP Prakash Bahadur Deuba, said that the government is trying to deceive the press by filing a false case against him based on the news. "We will protest against the neo-authoritarianism of the government from Sunday at the provincial level as well."

Meghraj Khadka, state MP of Congress and general minister of Congress Far Paschim, said that Congress is a party that fought for freedom of the press and said that the government has arrested a media person in the citizenship case and prosecuted it and the other person is the home minister in the government. He said that the intention of pandering to the media is unacceptable for the Congress.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १२, २०८१ १८:५७
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