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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Protests saying that private sector has been discouraged by the arrest of Sirohia


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The private sector has objected after the government arrested Kailash Sirohia, chairman of Kantipur Media Group, in retaliation for publishing news of cooperative fraud. The three umbrella organizations of industrialists, Federation of Nepal Industry and Commerce, Confederation of Nepal Industry and Nepal Chamber of Commerce have protested against the government's arrest of President Sirohia.

Protests saying that private sector has been discouraged by the arrest of Sirohia

All the three organizations issued a joint statement on Thursday and said that it was wrong to arrest them without giving them a chance to be questioned and cleared. It is clear in the statement that whoever is found to have acted against the law should be a party to the action, but it is mentioned in the statement that actions such as arresting and detaining people based on complaints about any matter do not send a positive message. They believe that this will further reduce the morale of entrepreneurs and investors.

'From the past, Federation of Nepal Industry and Commerce, Confederation of Nepal Industry, Nepal Chamber of Commerce have been saying that if a complaint is received or an accusation is made, they should be given a chance to be heard instead of being detained. It is our request that entrepreneurs, businessmen or anyone should not be arrested based on complaints, but the state should listen to them," the joint statement said. We urge the state to move forward.

The government arrested President Sirohia from the office complex on Tuesday on the pretext that his citizenship number was the same as that of another person. Political parties, intellectuals, artists, organizations in the media sector have been protesting this incident saying that the state has retaliated against individuals and independent press. "The CNI has always said the same thing - listen first and arrest only when mistakes are found. But here it is seen first to stop and listen, it is wrong. For this, we have given detailed suggestions that the law should be amended, the law should also be amended," said Rajesh Kumar Agarwal, president of the Confederation, "This is not only for the private sector, but for everyone. Arresting as soon as a complaint is filed is wrong. Kamlesh Kumar Agarwal, president of the

chamber, stressed that arrest should not be made on the basis of a complaint. He said that only if the crime is proven after the statement, the legal process should be taken. Everyone should not be arrested on the basis of a complaint, from industrialists to investors. The accused should be given a chance to be acquitted, should be investigated,' Agarwal said, 'only if the crime is proven, the legal process will be carried out.'

He said that the country has not risen from the state of economic stagnation and joint efforts of the government and the private sector are important for its improvement. Investment environment cannot be created by humiliating any businessman and discouraging them. Now small to big businessmen in the country need encouragement and encouragement," the joint statement said, "Government should provide guardianship to industrialists and investors. We would like to draw everyone's attention to the fact that there is no work to disrupt the business environment in the country.'

The general secretary of Media Alliance Nepal, Direklal Shrestha, says that the arrest of the media house by the police cannot be tolerated. In a press conference held at the central office of Kantipur Publications on Wednesday, he stated that there is zero tolerance for the attack on the media house. Raviji was also a media worker. But now he has attacked the media itself. I request the media not to do this,' he said, 'Attacks on media workers are not tolerated.' By drawing attention to the panic situation of the businessmen, it has been requested to create an environment where businessmen can listen and speak. NADA's attention has been drawn to the arrest of Sirohia, a communications professional by the state. NADA is clear that if there is a personal case against the laws of the country, action should be taken according to the rules and regulations,' said the statement issued by NADA Secretary General Surendra Kumar Upreti, 'but the demoralization of the businessmen by arresting and discouraging the manager of a respected commercial establishment based on a complaint has made the businessmen panic.'

The Nepal Advertising Association has also objected to the arrest of Sirohia, president of Kantipur. It is stated in the statement that the arrest of the president of the largest media house in the country has raised many questions at a time when Sirohia is expressing his commitment to assist in the judicial investigation of his citizenship issue.

The state should investigate sensitive issues like citizenship. But during the investigation, the state should not fail to protect the scope of the rules and laws and the rights given by the constitution. In this incident, we have experienced that the state has forgotten its scope and failed," the statement said, "It is suspected that a prominent person in the media sector has been arrested in retaliation." Aan clarified that any kind of interference in the media sector is unacceptable.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ ११, २०८१ ०५:४३
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