कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२५.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १५४

2 people died due to electrocution due to falling electricity pole in Kalikot

तुलाराम पाण्डे

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Two people were electrocuted when an electric pole fell on Lalu Thadabato in Narharinath Rural Municipality-8 of Kalikot. Local Rohan Kumar Bisht said that 43-year-old Keshav Thapa and 25-year-old Gang Thapa of Narharinath-8 Lalu were electrocuted when a pole fell near their house in Lalu, which reached the national transmission line a month ago.

2 people died due to electrocution due to falling electricity pole in Kalikot

"He died after a pole fell near his house and was touched by a wire," he said. "The house was touched by an electric wire."

Pankh Bahadur Bisht, a teacher of Mangalasaini Mavi, said that the electricity pole was not properly arranged. After receiving information about the incident, a police team led by police inspector Prakash KC from the area police office Kumalgaon was sent to the spot, acting head of the district police office Poshan Thapa said.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन २६, २०८० १०:४४
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