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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Gifant will celebrate March 4 as the Workers' Day


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Nepal Trade Union Federation (Gifant) is going to celebrate March 4 as the great festival of workers. The federation informed about this in a press conference in Kathmandu on Sunday.

Gifant will celebrate March 4 as the Workers' Day

In a press conference, Federation President Vinod Shrestha announced that March 4 will be celebrated as the great festival of workers from now on, commemorating the founding day of the Nepali Trade Union Movement. The Federation has said that it will celebrate the 77th anniversary of the movement on February 21. According to the federation, the president of CPN-UML, KP Sharma Oli, will inaugurate the

program. On this occasion, Geefont has said that it will release the work 'Nepali Trade Union Movement facing the challenge'.

On February 22, Gifant also said that based on the study, the achievements, challenges and prospects of Nepal's trade union movement will be discussed with international participants.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन २०, २०८० १५:४१
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