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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Talks are being held with Russia to return Nepalis working in the Russian army: Foreign Minister

"Government should and is always responsible towards its citizens"

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Foreign Minister NP Saud has informed that the Nepalese government is talking with the Russian government to bring back the Nepali citizens who are working illegally in the Russian army.

Talks are being held with Russia to return Nepalis working in the Russian army: Foreign Minister

During the discussion held at the ministry on Tuesday with the relatives of the Nepalis who joined the Russian army, Foreign Minister Saud said, "There is also a discussion with the Russian government about allowing the Nepali citizens working in the Russian army to return to their country". We are also continuously requesting the government to return the bodies of Nepali citizens to Russia.'

Foreign Minister Saud said, "If he had gone legally, it would have been". have gone unlawfully (from the path) . No matter how they went, the state has an obligation towards them. The government should always be responsible for its citizens and it is.' Saud mentioned that there will be no shortage to bring back those recruited in the Russian army. He said, "I am trying honestly". I will continue to do it.'

He called the family members of those who joined the Russian army to the ministry and discussed it. Minister Saud said that the government, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Nepali Embassy in Moscow are making every possible effort to bring the bodies of those who died in the battle to Nepal for the safe return of the citizens who joined the Russian army, the treatment and rescue of the injured and the bodies of those who died in the battle. So far, at least 12 Nepalis who have been recruited into the Russian army have died.

Foreign Minister Saud told the family members, 'For the safe return of Nepali citizens, the Government of Nepal is in constant contact with the Russian side through the Russian Embassy in Kathmandu, the Nepali Embassy in Moscow and other means.' He also informed that the families of the 244 people who were not present and requested to be returned from the Russian army.

He also asked the families of the concerned citizens to apply to the consular department about people who have joined the Russian army. He mentioned that it will be easy for the government to determine the status of citizens who have joined the Russian army if families apply.

Saud said that no one should present themselves in a way that spreads confusion in the society by exaggerating the number of citizens who have joined the Russian army . He also informed the family members of those who joined the Russian army about the latest developments. He also informed that he had called the Russian ambassador to the ministry on February 20, the day before his visit to India.

Saud also mentioned that a positive response was received from the Russian side on some of the issues raised by the government regarding Nepali citizens who joined the Russian army, and the matter of providing compensation to the dead and injured has moved forward.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन १५, २०८० १८:५६
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