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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ११६

Basant, who came to America after paying 90 million, succumbed to tuberculosis

महेश केसी

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Sisne rural municipality ward no. who entered America illegally with the help of human traffickers 3 32-year-old Vasant Sharma from Pokhara has fallen ill. He arrived in America a year ago and has been receiving treatment in the hospital for three months after falling ill due to tuberculosis infection.

Basant, who came to America after paying 90 million, succumbed to tuberculosis

Basant left home in March 2078 and reached America in December 2079 after eight months. His wife Urmila said that she was saddened by the news of her husband's illness saying that she had reached there after paying about 90 lakh rupees to the broker.

His sister-in-law Asmita Sharma, who was admitted to the hospital 11 months after arriving in America, said that her condition is critical and that she is currently being treated at a hospital in Jersey, New York. The hospital said that there was a TB infection. It is said that its infection has spread from the lungs to the left side of the brain,' she said, 'He is being treated on a ventilator from the beginning.' Tell . There is no work permit, health insurance, etc. That's why it was difficult to get admitted to the hospital in the beginning,' he said, 'Later Basant's sister-in-law took responsibility and admitted him to the hospital.' He said, "After leaving immigration, we went to our respective places of work." It is sad to hear that he was admitted to the hospital just a few months ago.'

Even though Basant's treatment is going well now, there has been increased concern in the family. "So much money is sinking day by day with loan interest". The condition of the person who went to earn was like that . Had he not gone to America and stayed here, he would have been treated on time,'' Mrs. Urmila said, "Last time we talked to him was last November. He said he was sick. I said treat . After that, I haven't talked. According to

's family, Basant, who is being treated on a ventilator, costs about 4,000 dollars a day. His friend Lakshman said that he is currently receiving continuous treatment and after recovery, he will have to pay the amount through various measures.

'Work is being done to collect as much support as possible from the Nepalis here. So far, 6-7 lakhs have been collected.'' It is not easy to go to see the patient and collect support. But we are doing our best.'

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन १२, २०८० १९:२०
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