कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२०.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १०३

Kavi Sharma and social worker officer awarded


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Sita Balamukund Pokhrel Foundation Biratnagar awarded poet Kunta Sharma for literature and Shyam Kumar Adhikari (Hidpali Sailo) for social service.

Kavi Sharma and social worker officer awarded

During a ceremony in Biratnagar, Koshi Chief Minister Hikmat Kumar Karki conferred 'Sita-Balmukund Pokhrel Literary Award' on Sharma and 'Sita-Balmukund Pokhrel Social Service Award' on Adhikari. Distributing awards worth Rs. 25,225 in cash and certificates to the

foundation established this year, Chief Minister Karki said that establishing the award in the name of Pokhareldway, the founder of the oldest Purvanchal Balseva Ashram in Biratnagar, is a good example in the society.

He said that the Pokhrel couple has done a great service to the society by providing education to hundreds of orphans for decades. Writer and critic Rajkumar Baniyan discussed about Sharma who was awarded for literature and Beauty Shrestha about the contribution of the officer who was awarded for social service. The president of the foundation, Suresh Village, said that the amount of the award will be increased every year.

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ २१:०९
जनताको राय

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