कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
१७.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २२२

A household routine


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Waking up early, the rhythm of bangles and pauzu hastily

A household routine

- Padhero reaches

- Pujakotha reaches

- Kitchen reaches

- Kothebari reaches

- Cowshed reaches

- Juthelna reaches .

Busy becomes so aggressive that,

Sends one hand to work

Sends another hand to garden to care for flowers

A leg sends the village to find Sarsapat

The other leg is sick, it

sends Dewari to find

Sends an ear to hear the complaints of old coughs and asthma

He sends the other ear to listen to the court

Is the goat hanging somewhere?

Sends an eye to Tatno

The neighbor was angry because he ate the crop yesterday

Sends an eye to see Armal .

A road is cleared and sent to school

sends the other way to the office dressed in a t-shirt

again sends the market to bargain the other way

Doko and Namlo are taken by surprise

Ghari sends to the farm

The road sent to the school

He returns with the pen and the letter lost

Sent into the wilderness to find a green song

Doko and Namlo

badass come back with

Nildam, burned by the eyes of time.

Sometimes the road that went abroad on foot sends the news


But, she doesn't live disturbed at all, instead

- she sings a eulogy

- she tells a story of consolation

- a book of self-respect blooms on the grave of despair

wakes up early and the rhythm of bangles and pauzu


fills the house with a bright aura

the flower A smile adorns

Coolness fills the air

The rhythm of life keeps weaving through the thread of love and blessings.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १०, २०८० १०:५४
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