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The work of flyover in Nagadhunga tunnel project is accelerated

081 The deadline was extended by one and a half years after the work was not completed on 13 Baisakh
विमल खतिवडा

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The construction of the flyover going to the Nagadhunga-Sisnekhola tunnel is 50 percent complete. With the 'break through' of the main tunnel on May 3, the construction of external structures has been accelerated. Currently, finishing work is being done inside the tunnel. The work of lining, oxygen, light etc. management is going on in the tunnel.

The work of flyover in Nagadhunga tunnel project is accelerated

On the Kathmandu side, work is being done on the 'superstructure' for vehicles to move over the under-construction flyover at Balambu. Deputy Project Director of Nagadhunga-Sisne Khola Tunnel Construction Project Gobind Dumru said that if there is any problem, the flyover and tunnel are being worked on so that vehicles can run within a year. The flyover construction work is going on in full swing, the tunnel finishing work is also going on. Road slope work is also being done inside the tunnel," he said. "If there is no problem during the construction, vehicles can be driven through the tunnel in one year."

In the budget statement for the financial year 081/82, it is mentioned that the tunnel will be put into operation after completion of all the construction work. The construction of 2.307 km two-lane road from Balambu to the entrance of the tunnel has reached its final stage. Out of this, 1.995 km has been paved. Out of 725 meters, 450 meters of access road has been constructed towards Sisnekhola in Dhading. Earlier, it was said that only 565 meters of road will be built in this section. According to the project, work was done by adding 160 meters later. Among other structures, three bridges and six culverts have been completed. Emergency from the main tunnel

Seven doors leading to the tunnel have been constructed.

According to the project, the main purpose of the construction of the tunnel is to manage traffic jams in the Nagadhunga uphill. The main tunnel will have a two-lane road — one going and one coming. Now, about 10,000 vehicles, small and large, travel from Nagadhunga every day. The project says that after the tunnel is operational, the risk of vehicle damage and fuel savings will be reduced.

The Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport has not taken any decision on the issue of toll charges for driving vehicles in the tunnel. Vehicles carrying petroleum products, motorcycles and overloaded vehicles will not be allowed to use the tunnel. The tunnel will be monitored by CC cameras. A separate team will be formed to operate the tunnel.

Vijay Jaishi, Head of the Development Assistance Implementation Division under the Road Department, said that construction work is currently underway on both Kathmandu and Dhading. "A road side service station will have to be built towards Dhading, which section is near the tunnel," he said. The construction of the tunnel is being done by the Japanese company Hazma Endo Corporation. In this project, which has a contract of 22 billion rupees, Japan has loan assistance of 16 and a half billion rupees. The Government of Nepal has invested 6 billion rupees in this. It has been 54 months since the construction of this project.

The 'break through' of the emergency tunnel took place on July 22. Its distance is 2557 meters. According to the initial agreement, the project duration was till 080 Baisakh. As the work was not completed within that time, the deadline was extended till 081 Baisakh 13. But as the work could not be completed within that time, the deadline was extended by one and a half years. The project claims that all the work of the tunnel will be completed within that time. The then Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli laid the foundation stone of the tunnel on 04 November 076 at Tutipakha towards Kathmandu so that the work of the tunnel would be completed within 42 months. But due to the covid epidemic and frequent obstructions of the locals, the tunnel was opened almost a year late.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ २८, २०८१ ०७:१२
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