कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
१९.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २७७

What schools are good?

तिलक गौतम

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Schools are the place to make citizens not only educated, but civilized, cultured and value conscious. It is the school that makes the biologically born child a social and ideological being. Therefore, school education is important to be successful and effective.

What schools are good?

A school must have some basic standards or dimensions to be good. Making a school better starts with its establishment. The method of setting up schools only on the basis of mapping should be strictly implemented. It is wise to open a school based on the demands and needs of the community by fulfilling the prescribed criteria. Theoretically, the concept of school service sector should be clear. Schools opened arbitrarily on the basis of political guise and favoritism cannot become good. Reward and punishment system should be strictly implemented in schools.

It is important to make schools information and communication technology friendly for good and effective results. A system can be developed where the teacher is asked to use a common diary and is evaluated by the supervisor at the end of the year. Older and experienced teachers can be used to provide technical support to teachers such as mentoring and coaching. Student outcomes are paramount to making schools better. For this A planned effort is necessary to ensure the learning achievement and competency acquisition specified by the

curriculum. Activities such as creating and using different groups and clubs of students, adding various extra-curricular activities programs for the identification of students' talents in a planned manner, conducting educational tours, announcing and awarding outstanding talents, etc. can be done.

A creative implementation of the local curriculum is essential for good schools. It should be considered as a means of connecting the identity and uniqueness of the place to the students. The examination system should be strengthened to ensure the best results of the students. The practice of documenting all the activities of the school in writing and reporting them periodically to the relevant bodies should be made mandatory. Another indicator of a good school is having a

student aid fund. Some students may not be able to afford normal expenses, cannot buy paper, pens, books or have to live with difficulty. It is important to set up a flexible fund that can support them as needed. The school should work in a planned manner for the proper identification and mobilization of financial resources and its sustainability. A good school should also look beautiful. Hygiene and sanitation should be given special attention. The concept of School Peace Zone should also be strictly implemented. To be good at school, it is important to be equally good at extracurricular activities. Both students and teachers should have awareness and knowledge of other relevant subjects apart from regular reading. For this, various student-centered extracurricular activities should be conducted. Forums like Scout, Red Cross, Kishore Kishorei Mitri Information Center, National Service Dal can be used effectively.

schools need to be safe and reliable for students. The concept of child-friendly schools should be implemented in a planned manner. The psychological safety and protection of students should be a matter of importance for schools. The school should act deliberately to protect the students from discrimination, exploitation and bullying. The contribution of parents is also indispensable. The role and support of parents can be clearly mentioned in the school improvement plan and implemented. There should be availability of midday meals, sanitary pads and textbooks for the students. School governance can be promoted through the management of information officers.

Entrepreneurship and innovation should be the modern mantra for schools. To instill the value of labor in students and to teach minimum labor skills, practical tasks such as earning while studying at school can be linked. A school is basically a place of learning. Every classroom should have a book corner. By managing child reference materials, Internet and digital materials, teaching and learning can be made more effective. It is important to ensure learning achievement by achieving the competencies specified by the curriculum. It is possible only through good schools to promote values ​​like social harmony, coexistence, solidarity, respect, trust and humanitarian service.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १५, २०८० ०७:४०
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