कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
३०.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २५०

The question of the victims of Pokhara to Home Minister Lamichhane: Why did they rob the cooperative?


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The cooperative savers of Pokhara have demonstrated a massive pressure rally in Pokhara on Monday. The Kaski Cooperative Sufferers' Struggle Committee held a rally under the first phase of pressure program.

The question of the victims of Pokhara to Home Minister Lamichhane: Why did they rob the cooperative?

The rally started from District Police Office Gaihrapatan and reached District Administration Office Sahidchowk via Pokhara Metropolitan City Office New Road. The co-operative victims raised slogans saying that there is political protection for those involved in co-operative fraud. The victim raised slogans such as 'GB Rai khan hai, Ravi dai hai hai', 'Home minister your parale, dugh pae Sarale'. The Sangharsh Committee has also submitted a memorandum to the District Police Office, Pokhara Metropolitan City and District Administration Office.

The victim savers of six cooperatives of Kaski, who were sued in the court, along with the savers of other cooperatives who were in trouble, also participated in the rally. Suryadarshan, Image, Mitra Milan, Sahabari, Shivsikhar and Vindhyavasini Savings and Credit Cooperatives who embezzle common people's savings are members of the Savers' Struggle Committee.

Earlier, the savers of these cooperatives had been agitating by forming separate struggle committees. "Now there are only 6 cooperatives that have been sued in the court, there are dozens of cooperatives that are in trouble," said the coordinator Shrestha He said that other struggling programs will be announced.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १०, २०८१ १६:३९
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