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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २४०

'Cinema Literacy Campaign' from Chait 14


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'Cinema Literacy Campaign' from Chait 14

The campaign will start from Birtamode in the east and will end in Pokhara via Biratnagar, Ethari, Janakpur, Hetaunda, Chitwan, Butwal, Dang, Dhangadhi. Professor Ramraja Dahal of the college said that he is going to do this campaign with the aim of giving basic information about cinema to the new generation and instilling interest in cinema among them. He said that since most of the cinema activities are concentrated in the capital, he saw the need to do such campaigns outside Kathmandu. The

campaign will conduct workshops on cinema Q&A, acting practices, cinema history, character. In the workshop, the film of two students who have graduated from the college and are studying will also be shown . "Since the new generation will be good filmmakers, critics or trainers of the future, we are also conducting a cinema literacy campaign targeting the new generation," said Professor Dahal.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १५, २०८० १४:१९
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