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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ६०

437 divorce cases in 6 months

3 divorce cases are registered daily in the district court
प्रताप विष्ट

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Navraj Sigdel of Hetaunda sub-metropolitan city-3 is now in the legal process of divorce with his wife. Since his wife has been living separately for the past 4 years, he filed a complaint for divorce in the Makwanpur district court on January 18.

437 divorce cases in 6 months

29-year-old Dhan Bahadur KC of Hetaunda sub-metropolitan city-19 also filed a complaint for divorce on 28th of January. Casey claims that he wants to separate because his wife lives more in the family than at home, is not responsible for the household behavior and embezzles cash assets.

Namrata Lama of Bhimphedi rural municipality-1 has come to knock on the door of the district court on February 4th to get a partial divorce because her husband used drugs and beat her because she only had a daughter. 23-year-old Lama has 3 daughters. 18-year-old Sunitamaya Chepang of remote Raksirang rural municipality-6 of Makwanpur has also filed a petition in the court on February 28 to divorce her husband.

After the 21-year-old husband of Sunitamaya, a mother of three children, Somwahadur Chepang married another girl from the village, she filed a petition for divorce in the court. She was married to Somwahadur at the age of 14.

These are just a few examples. Every day three divorce cases are registered in the district court. In the 6 months of the current financial year, 1,599 cases have been registered. Among them, 437 cases are related to divorce. Both women/men have registered a case for divorce.

Among the registered cases of divorce, 373 cases have been dismissed by the end of December. Last year's 6 months ie during this period 430 cases were registered in the district court. According to the statistics of cases registered in the court 3 divorce cases are registered daily in Sardar.

district in court In the year 079/080, 3 thousand 357 cases were registered. 28.50 percent of them ie 975 Lekhnath Paudel informed that the case of divorce has been registered.

Most of the women who come for divorce come to knock on the door of the court because they cannot bear the violence of their husband and family. Sestedar Paudelka According to this, child marriage is gradually turning into divorce.

Marriage takes place at the age of 15/16 and after reaching the age of 21/22, the number of people coming for divorce after reaching the age of 21/22 is increasing. After coming It has also made it easier for men to get divorced. Advocate Madan Dahal said that the

which caused the divorce case to increase suddenly in the court. "Currently, almost 30 percent of the cases registered in the court are divorce cases," he said, "The cases have also increased due to the fact that both men and women can go to the court for divorce."

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १, २०८० २०:५१
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