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२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ६८

A tipper hit a passenger winger in Siraha

विनय आजाद

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A tipper hit a winger on the east-west highway at Dhangadhimai Municipality-9 Musharnia in Siraha. The tipper No. 1 A 164, which was going from west to east, hit the winger No. 1 J 6438, which was coming from east to west.

A tipper hit a passenger winger in Siraha

Eyewitnesses said that the tipper, which was traveling at high speed, went out of control and hit the winger at around 3:30 on Tuesday. About 20 passengers were on board the Winger.

Most of the passengers were injured. The police said that five people were more injured. According to the police, they are being treated at a hospital near the accident site.

Both tipper and winger drivers absconded after the incident and search for them is underway, said DSP Muktinath Sapkota, police spokesperson of District Police Office, Siraha.

प्रकाशित : असार १८, २०८१ १६:२९
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