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२७.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ६३

Stir in the power equation!

पाठक पत्र

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Nepal has a long history of political instability. Democracy came in 2007 after the collapse of the 104-year-old family legacy of the Ranas. Even though Nepali Congress was the majority government from the first general election, the parties could not agree with each other. However, the Communists were reduced to only four seats. In the year 2017, King Mahendra started the Panchayati governance system. which remained as an autocratic regime for about 30 years.

Democracy came in 2046. Since then, power sharing has been taking place in the equation of various parties. Since Krishna Prasad Bhattarai took the keys of the interim Prime Minister till the current Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal Prachanda, no government has been able to work for a full term.

Due to the proportional election system laid down in the 2072 constitution, it seems unlikely that any party will get a clear majority. Therefore, no government has been stable. Even the parties that claim to be democratic have left no stone unturned to play any trick due to their greed and greed for power. As a result, before 100 days of the formation of the coalition government, the parties involved in the government make another move. On the other hand, the interests of the neighbors are the same, they want political instability in Nepal.

Let's look at the power equation formed after the 2079 election. The current Prime Minister Prachanda's party CPN Maoist Center has a total of 32 seats. But he sometimes went to ally with Nepali Congress and sometimes CPN-UML to become the Prime Minister. Spent days planning trips to Narayanathan and Balkot. And when to pay attention to people's needs and development work?

Some time from now, the key to power may be in the hands of a large party. The possibility of a change of power here is not new, but Nepal has not been as stable as many African countries where instability prevails. Where there is no political stability, corruption thrives. People become unemployed, theft, dacoity flourishes, social and religious distortions deepen. This is natural. Therefore, let's try for a situation where the common people can play a good game in national politics and form a government with a clear majority in the 2084 elections.
– Khimraj Giri, Kathmandu

प्रकाशित : असार १९, २०८१ १०:०५
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