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Integrated Socialist Congress: Proposal to make Jawaj a part of socialism

गंगा बीसी

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Madhav Kumar Nepal, President of United Samajwadi Party, has said that the demand for economic, social and cultural transformation of the society put forward by the Party's principle of People's Multiparty Democracy (JBAJ) should be presented and implemented in a more advanced form by making it an integral part of the Socialist program. He proposed that the future principle should be socialist action.

Integrated Socialist Congress: Proposal to make Jawaj a part of socialism

In the political report presented at the party's 10th Congress on Monday, President Nepal has concluded that the anti-feudal political demands, slogans and values ​​put forward by Jawaj are institutionalized in the constitution, and the future path will be socialist. Nepal, senior leader Jhalnath Khanal and General Secretary Ghanshyam Bhusal have said that this political report has been agreed upon. The report is yet to be adopted by the Congress.

"Now that the Nepali revolution has crossed the democratic stage and entered the socialist stage, we should now embrace the program of the socialist revolution and move forward," says the report. It is mentioned in the report that the demand for economic, social and cultural transformation of the society put forward by Jawaj has not been implemented in practice. "Those demands should now be made an integral part of the socialist program to be carried forward by the party, presented in a more advanced form and implemented," Nepal wrote.

has claimed to continue protecting and developing the achievements of Jabaj, which is connected with the democratic revolution of the socialists. "Therefore, the course of action that we are embracing now is a socialist course of action," Nepal said. The United Socialist Party has also claimed that the justification for revolting from the UML has been confirmed.

Integrated Socialists have portrayed the Congress as a party that enjoys the status quo. Congress is a capitalist party. This party, which supports neoliberalism, also represents the interests of the broker-bureaucratic capitalist class,' says Nepal's analysis, 'This party, which advocates democratic socialism and plays a positive role in the struggle for democracy and republic, is happy with the status quo.

UM has right-wing tendencies Samajwadi, which is a communist party, has mentioned. "When the democratic revolution in the country has been completed, it is clear that both the ideas and behavior of this party are right-wing, as it has not been able to embrace the socialist program and direction of action," the report said. Samajwadi has accused that UML is not policy-oriented but leader-oriented, saying that it did not hesitate to attack the essence and spirit of the constitution.

Samajwadi has analyzed that the Maoist center is mired in ideological confusion. "It has gone through the process of transformation from the armed conflict to the peace process until now," the report says, "After the split of the NCP, Maoism has been embraced again, and this party itself is caught in a theoretical confusion." It seems to be committed to protecting the achievements of the people's revolution.'

has commented that even though the RSVP has a capitalist character, its philosophy, principles, ideas and direction of action are not clear. The report says that the RSVP, which advocates neoliberalism, is taking a right-wing approach. "This party emerged in the situation of political confusion and social despair caused by the dissolution of the House of Representatives and the division of the CPN," the report said. The

report accused the RPP of being a party of feudal and broker-bureaucratic capitalist character and representing regressive thinking. Jaspa Nepal has been portrayed as a party that has embraced the socialist agenda, while the Janmat Party is committed to republicanism and federalism, but the report mentions that the party still reflects its past towards Madhesh.

On Monday, senior leader Khanal presented a report titled 'Socialist Program with Nepali Characteristics'. He has claimed that Jobz's program is a capitalist populist program regardless of its name or form. "Parts of the programs that we launched during the democratic revolution yesterday, which have not been implemented, now become an integral part of the socialist program and should be made," the report said. Jagannath Khatiwada, Deputy General Secretary and Spokesperson of the United Socialist Party, informed that seven reports including political, socialist and legislative were submitted in the closed session.

Similarly, the president and general secretary aspirants in the convention have started lobbying for their respective sides. President aspirant Nepal and General Secretary Bhusal formed a team and started the campaign among the representatives. Senior leader Khanal is the coordinator of the chairmanship.

Nepal has lobbied for a unanimous president saying that the 1,800 delegates participating in the convention have been unanimously elected. General Secretary Bhusal has asked the senior leaders to play the role of active parents and pave the way for leadership. He emphasized on the transfer of leadership saying that there will be no confirmation of rebellion from UML in the status quo.

Vice President Beduram Bhusal mentioned that the representatives were in favor of consensus and said that efforts are being made to achieve consensus. Bhusal says that Nepal's role in building the party is important, so his leadership is necessary and "there is a possibility that it will happen because there is a consensus effort at the top level," he said.

General Secretary Bhusal said that he wants to take the leadership to change and speed up the leadership in the left movement. Consent is only for themselves. "I also agree that there will be consensus for me," he said, "It is not consensus on the status quo, but my claim is for change and dynamics." He argued that a new leadership is indispensable for the reorganization of the left-wing movement.

Deputy General Secretary Gangalal Tuladhar, Prakash Jwala and Jagannath Khatiwada are aspirants.

प्रकाशित : असार १८, २०८१ ०५:५५
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