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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ७२

Facilitation mechanism for termination of TRC


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A major tri-party facilitation mechanism has been formed to resolve the long-pending Truth and Reconciliation (TRC) and disappearance investigation issues. Congress chief whip Ramesh Ukhtar, UML chief whip Mahesh Bertaula and Maoist deputy general secretary Janardan Sharma will be in the mechanism.

Facilitation mechanism for termination of TRC

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal, UML President KP Sharma Oli and Congress President Sher Bahadur Deuba reached an in-principle agreement on forming the mechanism last Thursday. According to the agreement, the names of the people who will be in the facilitation mechanism have been finalized on Sunday.

A few days ago, there was talk of making a mechanism for facilitation between the three parties. It was formed accordingly. It will make it easier to clear the knotted issues related to TRC," said UML Chief Whip Bertaula. He said that the issues related to this would be narrowed down and a consensus would be reached.

The TRC bill, which was tried to be advanced at the time of the alliance with the Congress, was stopped due to the disagreement of the UML at that time. Despite the equation with UML formed after the Congress-led coalition last February, the TRC bill has been stalled in Parliament. Prime Minister Dahal of both alliances has said that completing the rest of the peace process is his top priority, but has not been able to move forward.

After the start of cooperation between UML and Maoist, UML seems to be flexible in TRC, but Congress has not shown interest, but it has stalled in Parliament.

प्रकाशित : असार १८, २०८१ ०५:४९
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