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Dipesh Pun acquitted on charges of gold smuggling

The CIB, which conducted the second phase of investigation on the grounds that the initial investigation was incomplete in the gold smuggling case, did not even conduct a general interrogation of the accused Dipesh.
More 31 quintal gold smuggling confirmed, 2 trillion 66 billion 67 crore bigo demand
मातृका दाहाल

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The police have acquitted Dipesh Pun, the son of former Vice President Nanda Bahadur Pun, who was accused of smuggling gold in collaboration with an international gang. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CIB) of the police, who is also a leader of Akhil (Revolutionaries), close to the ruling Maoist party, gave him immunity without even a general inquiry.

Dipesh Pun acquitted on charges of gold smuggling

The commission formed to investigate gold smuggling led by former judge Dilliraj Acharya also gave an opinion to bring Dipesh under the scope of investigation. Earlier, CIB had kept Dipesh as a suspicious character.

In the case of gold smuggling, the CIB acquitted the accused Dipesh without general questioning in the second phase of the investigation, saying that the initial investigation was insufficient. In the second phase of the investigation into the 61 kg gold smuggling case, the CIB has arrested 20 people and listed 26 people as fugitives and submitted the investigation report to the District Public Prosecutor's Office in Kathmandu on Friday.

Three days after that, on Monday, CIB chief AIG Shyam Gyawali held a press conference and informed about the smuggling network. When asked why Dipesh was not brought in the investigation, Gyawali insisted that nothing should be done about it since his involvement in the crime was not confirmed. AIG Gyawali said, "All those who have been confirmed by facts and evidence have been brought under the scope of investigation." However, there was a move to acquit Dipesh from last year. CIB summoned him last year after the fact that some of the accused who were arrested gave their names and took illegal benefits with the Chinese smugglers during the investigation.

2080 On July 2, 2080, the CIB, which conducted the second phase of investigation in the case of gold smuggling, seized about 61 kg of gold from a vehicle that passed the customs check at Tribhuvan International Airport and reached Sinamangal Road, did not enter into the political nexus linked to gold smuggling. An investigation report has been submitted to the Public Prosecutor's Office in Kathmandu so that there is no need to prosecute Dipesh, who has found grounds to establish a political nexus.

He is also a character in the crime of making Nepalese fake Bhutanese refugees and taking them to America. When Babu Nanda Bahadur was the Vice President, Dipesh was involved in various crimes under the guise of power and power in gold smuggling and refugee cases. In the case of misappropriation of cooperative savings through the Gorkha media network, Ravi Lamichhane, who is currently the home minister, and the then managing director of the network, Ravi Lamichhane and president Geetendrababu (GB) Rai, along with Deepesh, are also accused. A co-operative fraud case is pending against him in Ruppandehi District Court. Although Deepesh is seen as a suspect in other cooperatives connected with GB and Ravi, no further investigation has been conducted.

During the CIB's investigation, Deepesh had hidden the mobile phone that he used with the iPhone and gave only the mobile phone that could make normal phone calls to the CIB. In the phone call, it is established that there is a close relationship between Deepesh and gold smuggler Dawa Chiring. Dipesh has accepted the relationship with Dawa, who is currently absconding Rolpak Amla, who is in jail for arrest and remand, last year. Deepesh, who was accused of running a business by being in the network of both, was given immunity from the second phase of the investigation that started after Ravi became the home minister.

Joint Secretary Jhalakram Adhikari, who was involved in the 61 kg gold smuggling case, has also been acquitted by the CIB without questioning. The official's code language conversations with Chinese gangs about gold smuggling through mobile chat were leaked. Lamichhane, the current Minister of Home Affairs, made a public statement saying that there should be an investigation into this matter. He also spoke about this in Parliament. However, when Lamichhane was the Home Minister, the CIB gave immunity to the officer without any investigation.

More 31 quintals of gold smuggling confirmed, 2 trillion 66 billion 67 crore bigo demand

The fact that Chinese gangs have smuggled more 31 quintals of gold during one year has been revealed through investigation. Last year, based on the police investigation report on the smuggling case of about 61 kg of gold seized from Sinamangal road, a case was filed against 29 people in the district court of Kathmandu, demanding Rs.

A case was filed in the court on August 31, 2080 to investigate further according to Section 22 of the Organized Crime Prevention Act, 2070, Section 35 of the Civil Code of Criminal Procedure, 2074, and to keep the amount of illegal money that was secretly brought to Breakshu as illegal. Out of the 25 people arrested during that time, 24 people are currently in jail. In the investigation conducted by CIB, it has been revealed that the gang imported 3 thousand 194 kg 668 grams of gold from abroad from June 2079 to 2080. According to SP Hovindra Bogti, the spokesperson of CIB, it is recommended to proceed with the case by maintaining the bigo of 30 billion 82 million 22 million rupees according to the market price of gold.

According to the smuggling plan, it was revealed that the gang set up 7 different dummy companies and secretly brought gold from 5 companies in electronic items such as water pumps, smart watches, saving machines, break shoes etc. According to Bogti, 30 billion 840 million 12 million 26 thousand 440 rupees under the market value of gold brought by customs fraud, 1 trillion 46 billion 68 million 28 million 7886 rupees on charges of illegal crypto transactions, remittance without approval of Nepal Rastra Bank. 86 billion 14 billion 68 million 74 thousand 982 rupees against the owner/employee of Paywell and Easy Pay Company on the charge of illegal business, totaling 2 trillion 66 billion 67 million rupees 9 lakh 9 thousand 3 hundred 8 rupees and 5 misdemeanor cases CIB has given an opinion to run.

During the latest investigation, 20 people including 2 Chinese, Nepali and Indian have been arrested. 26 people are still absconding. According to the CIB, Siddharth Ashok Gaikwad alias Siddharth who lives in Maharashtra and lives in Kathmandu New Road, Dheeraj Dinesh Bhoite from Maharashtra, Prashant Ganesh Bajbalkar who lives in Lalitpur Patan and lives in Maharashtra, Baijnath Brahmadutta Goyal from Gujarat, Surendraman Shrestha from Parsa, Raju Khatri from Bhaktapur Suryavinayak, Dhading Raju Thapa of Siddalek named Premnath Sedai, Kavre Temal-4 and a younger lama named Tharkman Lama who lives in Kathmandu as a permanent home have also been arrested.

Similarly, Genga Jhansi, known as Tasi Sherpa, who lives in Sichuan, China, and runs a Buddhist restaurant, Sherav Gyalmo, known as Sonam Gurung, a Tibetan refugee ID card holder, Manojraj Shrestha, owner of Muktinath gold and silver shop in Chitwan, Rupak Bhandari of Kavre Bhulmuka, Bhim Prasad Timalsina, owner of Kavre Novobuddha's Pevel Remit Nepal, Paywell's Assistant Chief Executive Officer and Manager Prajwal Acharya, Paywell's Chief Accounts Officer Suraj Shamsher Rana have also been arrested.

Similarly, Phunsuk Dagpa Athupchang Khampa, Sushil Jakibanja Chief Executive Officer Kashyap Manandhar, JK Money Transfer's Lal Bahadur Kunwar and Bara Permanent Address Pashupati Trade Concern's owner Arun Kumar Yadav were also arrested for crimes involving gold and illegal crypto. According to the police, they should be prosecuted for four crimes including organized crime, customs evasion.

All those recommended for trial as defendants have pleaded guilty. The CIB has given an opinion to prosecute the main planner of all these crimes, the Chinese national Dawajin Wang, who was on the run in the gold smuggling case last year. A CIB official said that money earned from gold smuggling is being traded through crypto and crypto trading will make the economy of the country difficult and should be investigated more seriously.

प्रकाशित : असार १८, २०८१ ०५:५७
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