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A new government of national consensus with UML-Congress is formed to address important issues: Congress


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The Nepali Congress has said that a new government of national consensus will be formed with the agreement of the Congress and the CPN-UML to address the important issues of the country including amending the constitution.

A new government of national consensus with UML-Congress is formed to address important issues: Congress

Speaking to the media after the meeting of the party officials held at the residence of Congress Party Chairman Sher Bahadur Deuba on Tuesday, party spokesperson Dr. Prakasharan Mahat said this. He said that he participated in the formation of the government by focusing on issues including the constitution.

He said, 'There are important issues of the country. The subject of the constitution. We are involved in government formation only by focusing on all these issues. We said that we will not make an agreement just to go to empty power. Finally, an agreement has been reached with the UML party, keeping the important issue as a matter of interest and concern of the common people, a matter of concern.

He said that there was an agreement to form a government with the CPN-UML, focusing on the problems of ordinary citizens. He said that it is difficult to improve the economic situation due to instability, and because it is difficult to ensure good governance, the government of two big parties is necessary.

He said that the government will be formed between the two parties and that the name of the government of national consensus has been given to include other parties as needed. He said that there was a rough agreement on the basis that the government would be led by CPN-UML Chairman Oli and Congress Party Chairman Sher Bahadur Deuba until the election. He said that the central performance committee of the party will decide to finalize the agreement.

He said, 'There is basically a problem of stability in that agreement, the common people are also worried about it. It has made it difficult to improve the economic situation. It has made it difficult to ensure good governance. A situation of confusion has been created. We have made it an important basis. To build a national consensus for the necessary amendments to the constitution and to move forward with that process and to end the current economic situation and confusion in development, stable politics, to amend the constitution collectively and build a government between the two parties to move forward in terms of consensus The name of the national consensus government has been given to move forward and include other parties as needed, and a rough agreement has been reached on the basis that the leadership Oliji and our party chairman Sher Bahadur Deuba will lead until the election He insisted that there is no truth in this matter and that there is no truth in the fact that a commission will be formed and the draft has already been drafted.

प्रकाशित : असार १८, २०८१ १०:५४
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