कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ६७

7 dead, 8 injured when jeep falls in Rolpa


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Seven people were killed when a jeep with passengers crashed on Monday afternoon. Eight people were injured. The force jeep No. Lu 1 J 3252, which was going from Ghartigaon in Rolpa to Talabang, fell 400 meters below the road near Pareva Chahar under the Ghartigaon-Talabang road section. Among the dead are 4 women, 2 men and 1 child. They are yet to be identified.

7 dead, 8 injured when jeep falls in Rolpa

According to DSP Bharat Lama of Rolpa Police, the jeep met with an accident while trying to avoid the landslide that had already occurred. It is said that when the driver was trying to avoid a landslide and proceed from some high place, the jeep moved backwards and fell down the road. According to the police, the jeep that left Madi rural municipality-2, Ghartigaon at 4 pm met with an accident about an hour later. The injured and the deceased are from the same village.

According to the locals, among those who died in the accident, there are also mother, son and brothers of the same family. Commuters were returning home after shopping and village work. There were 15 people in the jeep including the driver. Driver Deepak Thapamar also got injured. The injured have been brought to the district hospital. Dilkumari Gharti, who was riding in the jeep, jumped before the jeep fell, and the injured were immediately rescued after the villagers pleaded with them.

Vehicle accidents have not been controlled due to high speed and carrying loads beyond capacity. In the last 10 years, only 24 thousand 429 people have died in traffic accidents.

Data shows that more than 7 people die in road accidents every day. More than 454 people are seriously injured in traffic accidents. Analyzing the five-year accident data in the Nepal Road Safety Action Plan, it appears that the rate of accidents is increasing on urban and strategic roads compared to rural roads.

प्रकाशित : असार १८, २०८१ ०५:२५
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