कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

We went to the government for the development of the country, how can we be satisfied if that is not the case: Oli


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UML President KP Sharma Oli has said that the government has not given necessary attention to development work.

We went to the government for the development of the country, how can we be satisfied if that is not the case: Oli

Speaking at the meeting of the parliamentary party held at Lhotse Hall in the Parliament Building on Saturday, he said that the UML went to the government to stop the country from going into poverty and develop it, but there is no room for satisfaction when there is no development. He said that we should not be in the government by looking at the faces of one or two people.

'It is necessary to discuss how much is right, how much is wrong with regard to the budget . Even if we go to poverty because we are in the government by looking at the faces of one or two people, what happened? Is it because we are in the government?', he said, 'rather than why we are in the government, it is to prevent the country from going to poverty and move it forward towards development. If that thing is not there, how can you be satisfied .'

He also said that it is necessary to review the status of the ministry run by UML, the budget allocation in the ministry. He asked for an open discussion about the budget allocation of the ministry.

'What is the status of the ministries that we are running? What about its allocation? That should also be seen. Friends should discuss all these issues openly. It's not something to sell in the market. Telling the market, it will not fix anything by Facebook. "The situation will change only through discussions, suggestions, and decisions in the right place," he said.

Chairman Oli said that the reactionaries are creating confusion in the society by inventing new unimaginable things against UML. He said, 'We do not engage in opposite activities like the reactionary forces, who have zero ideas, zero policies, zero objectives, carrying bags of self-interest and adopting rudeness, rudeness, unlimited, undemocratic methods to fill the bags of self-interest. Again we have to refute. Their attack against our party is very intense . They invent new things day after day and unimaginable things and spread them in the market.'

प्रकाशित : असार १, २०८१ १६:११
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