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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

The one who is the prime minister has no idea what to do as the prime minister: Mahamantri Thapa


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Nepali Congress General Minister and Member of the House of Representatives Gagan Kumar Thapa has commented that Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal does not know why he has become the Prime Minister.

The one who is the prime minister has no idea what to do as the prime minister: Mahamantri Thapa

On Saturday, during the training program held by the Congress Nagarjuna Nagar Working Committee, General Minister Thapa told Prime Minister Dahal that he did not know why he was the Prime Minister. He accused Prime Minister Dahal of not showing any activity other than being the prime minister even when the state of the country's national economy was bad.

He said, We are in opposition. The head of Maoist who is the Prime Minister, he has no idea what to do as the Prime Minister . I don't even know why he became the prime minister. What are you for? What to do? If he is not the prime minister, what will happen now? Nothing .'

He accused the CPN-UML, a party participating in the government, that the government is trying to avoid the responsibility of the government by sending junior ministers. He said, 'UML has joined the government. But in the government, he has sent only junior leaders as ministers. Junior ministers were not sent just to watch. Because he lives in the government. But don't go among the citizens and take charge that this government is mine. How did you get back to the budget? You have seen . The government is yours . This budget looked like a Maoist one. It has been ignored that it was seen overnight in the budget.'

General Minister Thapa said that in recent times, instead of solving the problem, the leadership should be aware of the increase in the number of people who wake up in the morning and want to increase their followers on social media. What happens when you wake up in the morning is not how to solve the country's problems. Likes increase? What should I say today? Where should I go today and what should I give? What kind of video will you make? After that, at least four more people watch Tiktik while going to bed in the evening . Has taken charge, has been sitting in responsibility . There has been a deputy prime minister, there have been ministers, but it is not to solve the country's problems or to be quick,' he said, 'not to solve the problem'. Playing with the emotions of empty people and using social media to try to build people's views based on that is being done.'

प्रकाशित : असार १, २०८१ १४:३७
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