कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

All the four doors of Pashupatinath Temple are open since morning


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All the four doors of Pashupatinath temple are opened at 4 am. Revathiraman Adhikari, spokesperson of Pashupati Kshetra Development Fund informed that the number of devotees in Pashupatinath temple is increasing and all the four doors of Pashupatinath have been opened from today with the aim that everyone can have darshan from all the four doors of Pashupatinath in the morning.

All the four doors of Pashupatinath Temple are open since morning

He said, 'Earlier, after entering the Pashupatinath temple, the remaining three doors were opened only after 8:30 am, but from today, all four doors will be opened at 4 am.'

After the opening of all the four doors, the line of devotees has increased in the core area for the darshan of Lord Pashupatinath and it is also easy to do darshan, the spokesperson said. Until now, the west side gate of Pashupatinath was opened from 4 am and the north, east and south gates were opened from 9:30 am to 11:30 am.

Earlier, the four gates of Pashupatinath temple were opened from 4 am only on Mahashivratri, Haritalika Teej and Balachaturdashi.

प्रकाशित : असार १, २०८१ ०७:०४
जनताको राय

हमाससँग युद्ध गरिरहेको इजरायलमा ८ सय नेपाली कामदार (केयर गिभर) पठाउने सरकारको तयारीबारे तपाईंको राय के छ ?
