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78 points progress details public

I brought the encroached 633 bigha 7 Kattha land back in the name of the government

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Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane has released the details of his work progress after joining the government. On Friday, minister Lamichhane announced the progress details of the work done/done in 100 days related to the home administration, including the Ministry of Home Affairs and its departments-divisions, Nepal Police and Armed Police Force.

78 points progress details public

Lamichhane, who is also the chairman of the Rashtriya Swatantra Party (RASWPA), became the Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister on 23 February 2080. During this period, the Department of Immigration, Prison Management Department, National Identity Card and Registration Department, Nepal Police, Armed Police and Home Administration-related agencies including the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Department of Immigration, including the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Department of Immigration, Legal, Administrative, Information Technology, Peace and Security, etc. Details including

improvements and progress are mentioned.

According to the Ministry of Home Affairs, after Lamichhane became the minister, 22 of policy and legal aspects, 14 of peace and security and crime control, 7 of border and immigration administration, 8 of instructions and facilitation of performance in departmental and subordinate agencies, 3 of revenue leakage control, 5 of information technology use and In this period, 78 points including 19 different progress details have been covered. From the revision of the Criminal Offenses (Cut to Imprisonment) Regulations to the prohibition of strikes in essential areas, the progress report has included.

2081 Procedures for assessing damage caused by public demonstrations, strikes and protests The Ministry has informed that policy work has been done including the formation of a working group for the revision of the review procedure 2074. It is also mentioned in the progress report that according to the report of the suggestion task force formed to make the Ministry of Home Affairs and the services under it effective, the work of making an action plan has been moved forward. Organization and Management (O&M) Survey of Police and Armed Forces, formation of task force to review retirement period in Police and Armed Forces has also been covered.

For peace and security and crime control, the formation of an inquiry commission to control crimes against meter badges and fraud, 24-hour operation of police and armed petrol pumps, operation of civil assistance room in the Ministry of Home Affairs, etc. In terms of border and immigration, 2 help desks have been added to make the immigration service at the Tribhuvan International Airport more effective and faster, and the use of separate uniforms for the airport immigration staff has also been covered.

It is also mentioned in the progress report that armed police program has been conducted with border residents. Under this, it has been mentioned that armed guards have interacted with the residents of the border area in 84 places, public awareness in 378 places, interaction with the ward head of the border area in 13 places and border social programs have been conducted in 10 places. It is also mentioned that all this work was done through the Armed Police Force and 115 border facilitation meetings were held. It is said that the border residents have been given scholarships to 2 people to devote themselves to border security. It is mentioned that the virtual meeting with the officials, the state-level security meetings of Koshi, Madhesh and Wagmati provinces have been completed.

Home Minister Lamichhane has also included the promotion of 2 thousand 932 police officers as a progress. According to the progress report submitted to the Customs Revenue Investigation Office, manpower was effectively mobilized to control the illegal transactions passing through the border area in 100 days and the police seized goods worth 1.43 billion 97 lakh 58 thousand rupees and the armed forces seized goods worth 478.7 million 79 thousand 500 rupees. .

In a press conference, Minister Lamichhane said that he was working for the reformation and said that an investigation has been started on the encroachment of 9000 bigha land in Greater Janakpur. He claimed that a 'big operation' was going on for this. The home minister has also claimed that the encroached land of 633 bigha and 7 katha was returned to the name of the government after he became the home minister. Cooperative fraud, interference and manipulation in the police and home administration are not included in the list of progress reports.

प्रकाशित : असार १, २०८१ ०७:५८
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