कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ८५

Sirohia's 10 counterarguments


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Chairman of Kantipur Media Group, Kailash Sirohia, has stated that a complaint has been filed against him as a result of someone's incitement and revenge. District Public Prosecutor's Office, Dhanushama, President Sirohia countered that the public was being misled by rumors that he had only one citizenship and that he had two or three citizenships.

Sirohia's 10 counterarguments

Sirohia's 10 objections

1. I claim that Indrajit Prasad Mahato has filed a complaint out of someone's revenge and anger, I saw him only after the photo of him sitting at the same table discussing with Home Minister Lamichhane and RSVP MP Manish Jha was published.

2. I have taken only one citizenship, people have been confused by rumors that I have two or three types of citizenship, but the police and the public prosecutor have not accused me of this.

3. It is my responsibility to protect and use the citizenship I have received. If the government records (Dadda) are turned upside down due to the negligence or corruption of someone who has access to the records of the state, the relevant agency should take all responsibility for it.

4. It is not my jurisdiction to keep the number in the citizenship, I am not responsible if it matches someone else's number. Rumor has it that there is no signature and date of the officer certifying my citizenship, all the details are in my citizenship .

5. I am a citizen of my descendants because I was born after my father got citizenship, the type of citizenship of the children born before and after my father got citizenship may also be different according to the law, which can be answered by the law and the government.

6. I was born on November 29, 2019, I got citizenship on August 25, 2036. It is a matter for authorized authorities to know my age, it is not a matter that can be written by my will and choice.

7. Fantwala has written age 18 years in my citizenship, the certifying officer has further clarified that 29/08/2019 in brackets, the added letters are closed with signatures on both sides, in which red ink is used. Some people who have obtained photocopies have promoted the signature as Kermet.

8. If the letter had been cut and called, I would have attended with my citizenship. Suddenly, armed police were mobilized and arrested in the office of the media where I am the president. This is an extreme abuse of state power.

9. This is not a dispute over Kailash Sirohia's citizenship, it is just a revenge for the news of Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane's dual citizenship, passports of two countries and the embezzlement of money saved in cooperatives by common people.

10. The subject of passport misuse investigation is under the Ministry of Home Affairs, but Lamichhane, who carries passports of two countries, has become the Home Minister of this country and is trying to corrupt the sovereign citizens.

(a brief part of the statement made public in Janakpur by Kailash Sirohia, Chairman of Kantipur Media Group)

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ ११, २०८१ ०५:१६
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