कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
१९.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २२५

Emotional poetry

These poems have a mixed style of art, thought and imagination. Some poems seem to float in the air, it is impossible to tell whether they reach the depths of the heart or not!
फणीन्द्र संगम

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I really like poets/writers who use words. Because he can say a lot with few words. Poet Nirbhikjung Rayamazhi is one of those poets who do not mince words. He is interested in topics that others do not think about.

Emotional poetry

Like 'to be the Mona Lisa' - torn canvas and frame/Now rising from the walls of the Louvre Museum/I am 'Madame Lisa Gherardini' wandering carelessly through the streets of Fiorentina/never admitting to be the Mona Lisa, gelled in paint and ink.

Nirbhik takes a different angle on her portrait, which has been shrouded in mystery for 500 years, where he explores the Mona Lisa's freedom and love. Leonardo da Vinci's world-famous painting, Mona Lisa's smile has been described by many as mysterious. So far, only her beauty and this mysterious smile are talked about. In the new contemporary poetry collection 'Tysari Ta Chai Sochien', the poet Nirbhik has opened the way for discussion with a different perspective on the established beliefs.

So, even without fierce nationalism, the poetry of the country will be made, like 'the hand that draws the map'. Love poetry blooms even without sentimentality, like 'with sunflowers'.

is not a poem if it is loaded with words and phrases. Nirbhik does not look for words by flipping through the dictionary to lengthen the poem, instead, he simply leaves the reader in charge of the comprehensive explanation -

In the sun's eyes/Glittering on the face Sometimes to the right, sometimes to the left, sometimes to the west/How did the shy sunflower learn?/That love and devotion are the same.

– (with sunflowers)

This poem of only nine lines explains love as surrender. He has tried to show the dedication of the sunflower to the rap of the sun and that rap as the energy and brightness of life.

is another strong poem – 'Shital Niwasko Yayam'. He has expressed the contemporary reality of our country that the constitutional president is the one who moves to play 'politics'. In this, he has also presented the behavior of two neighborhoods in a symbolic form -

The wind from the south blew or the siretto from the north hit Kamajwaro too.

Old times, old friends, old relationships and the blunders in life are stuck in his poetic memory. He reaches the village square, but it looks sad – as if it is waiting for someone. Along with the scene of the deserted Chautari, there is a hint of the village being abandoned in the poem. Neither Lahure nor Tanneri Jodi, no one can be found in Chautari anymore. This is the common reality of our dying villages. The top-poem 'I never thought like that' sounds like a review and regret for the time gone by, but it is a life-affirming poem. The poem says that if you think or ignore even a simple subject, you will realize its importance only later.

'One evening in lockdown' reminds us of the Corona era environment. He has written in poetry the common experience of living in a single room and the difficult daily life that is scattered in the hope of freedom. He has shown in 'Chataro' through Zureli the situation faced by every creature in an imminent crisis. The poet reaches from the 'side of the small pond' of the brick to the ocean. However, he cannot convince her. Again he sinks into the memory of the same small lake. He has given a poetic expression to the vastness and eagerness of love.

The poet becomes sensitized by comparing the map of the country with the blue eyes of a child, in 'the hand that makes the map'. 'Kalo Abir' is a resistance poem. His call is to celebrate Holi by putting black abir on the executioner's face. The poem has a faint sense of resistance to exclusion or oppression. He is displeased with the commentary of nationalism attached to the hat. In 'My hat is not like the head of Kailash', the value of the poor, the poor, the laborers and their sweat is greater than that of the nation. The desire for human coexistence is in the 'tool'. He is against the side of people using people as tools to fight.

He has given a poetic feeling to the subject that the current generation is experiencing, thinking and trying to write about. The poet has a love for short, precise and simple poetry. However, some poems seem to swim in the air, it is not possible to say whether they reach the depth of the heart or not. Although some poems are gaining height, they seem like wanderings rather than the address of Baithan, some of them demand perfection. It is said that there is nothing new in the world, but new ways must be embraced. So it is natural that some poems seem affected. Hopefully, the poet will be more aware. Basically, his poetry has a mixed style of art, thought and imagination.

Poet Biplava Prateek has written in the collection, 'A good man can be successful, but there is no guarantee that a successful man is good.' Whether Nirbhik's poems are successful or not will be judged by time and the reader, but he is definitely a good poet. How can a good poet write a bad poem?

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन १२, २०८० १०:२६
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