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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २५६

A cooperative victim awaiting justice

पाठक पत्र

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Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane keeps saying that he will open the corruption file. Common citizens are waiting to know when the files of cooperative victims will be opened. There is a general concern that GB Rai, who is absconding in the government fund fraud, will be arrested. Home Minister Lamichhane has announced that Rai will be caught from wherever he is.

Until a few years ago, Lamichhane and Rai were anchors at Galaxy FourK TV. Will Lamichhane really catch Rai and bring him back? There are millions of citizens who are suffering from cooperatives. The money collected by citizens has been embezzled. They are hoping to get their savings back.

Cooperative organizations have problems because the government is unable to monitor and regulate them in time. This problem would not have arisen if the cooperatives had followed the rules. The government should be serious about the problems of the people.
– Purushottam Ghimire, Jorpati, Kathmandu

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १६, २०८० ०७:०७
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