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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २२७

Businessmen said to Tourism Minister - 'Remove VAT from air fare'


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Nepal Association of Tour and Travel Agents (Natta) has demanded the removal of Value Added Tax (VAT) imposed on air fares.

Businessmen said to Tourism Minister - 'Remove VAT from air fare'

Regarding the problems currently being faced by the tourism sector, Natta has requested the removal of VAT from the upcoming budget to Tourism and Civil Aviation Minister Hit Bahadur Tamang. In a program held at a hotel in Lazimpat, Natta president Ramesh Thapa told Minister Tamang about the impact of the value added tax imposed on air fares by the government in the fiscal year 2079/080 on the overall tourism sector.

He pointed out the delay in the development of tourism infrastructure including VAT, the development and expansion of air and road networks, the Tourism Act among the various agencies under the Government of Nepal, the ill health of the Nepal Tourism and Hotel Management Foundation and the Nepal Tourism Board, and the impact on the tourism sector in Nepal due to the managerial weakness of the Nepal Airlines Corporation. He said that he passed. In the

program, General Secretary Kumar Mani Thapalia made a presentation on various issues related to the tourism sector and requested the Ministry to solve them through the upcoming policies and programs and the budget. In the

program, Minister Tamang had a detailed discussion with the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance on the issue of Value Added Tax and expressed his commitment to solve the problem properly through the upcoming budget.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १३, २०८१ १८:३४
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