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१७.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २५१

Electricity import renewal for three months only


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India has renewed the electricity import permit for three months only. The spokesperson of the Ministry of Energy, Navinraj Singh, said that the import permit has been renewed until next June.

Electricity import renewal for three months only

According to him, from Dhalkebar Muzaffarpur broadcast line 500 MW and 54 MW from Tanakpur transmission line Electricity has been allowed. Day-ahead of Indian Energy Exchange Limited (IX) And competing in the real time market, Nepal has been purchasing electricity. According to which 'bidding' is done with price and quantity on the day before purchase. Nepal got permission to participate in this market in 2078 Baisakh.

This five-year permit is subject to renewal every year. According to Sahi, Nepal has been renewing the permission to import electricity from India's competitive market every year. This year, despite waiting for three months, India did not renew it . Every year Although the permission is being renewed for one financial year, this time India has done it only for three months.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १५, २०८० १३:५९
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