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२४.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५७

The campaign to destroy the neighborhood is starting again


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In the first week of June, after a 16-year-old girl of Panchadeval Vinayak Municipality-2 was raped in a gang-rape, the campaign against gang-rape is going to start again in the district.

The campaign to destroy the neighborhood is starting again

On Sunday, the people's representatives of all the 10 local levels of the district, local administration, non-governmental organizations, social activists and stakeholders held a discussion in Mangalsen to conduct a campaign to demolish the slums that had been stopped four years ago, raise public awareness and take legal action against the violators.

A district-level directorate committee has been formed under the chairmanship of Lalit Bahadur Kunwar, the head of District Coordination Committee Achham, to conduct the anti-crowding campaign. The committee consists of 10 local level chiefs, chief district officers, gas officers, and social activists. The committee of directors will formulate and mobilize the strategy of the campaign to be conducted throughout the district.

Chief District Officer Shivprasad Lamsal said that the campaign will not stop like the previous one. "The campaign will continue until there is a change in the conditions of Chhaupadi and Goth in Achham," he said. According to him, an executive committee has been formed under the chairmanship of Mangalsen municipality chief Padam Bahadur Bohra. The committee includes the chief district officer of Achham, city chiefs of all 10 municipalities, rural village presidents, and heads of various associations. This committee will monitor and activate the campaign in all 91 wards of the district according to the strategy decided by the steering committee.

Panchadeval Vinayak Municipality Chief Ambika Chalane said that although there have been many debates and discussions in the district about the Chhaupadi malpractice, there is no end to it. We have only talked about the Chhaupadi malpractice so far. But due to non-implementation in practice, there are frequent problems," she said. "Now, we have to proceed in a planned manner. Our local level will fully support this campaign.

Bindu Rawal, Vice President of Bannigarhi Jaigarh Rural Municipality, said that political parties, people's representatives, employees and community leaders should take responsibility for the bad practices in their neighborhoods. According to him, this practice has not ended today because of the wrong trend of leading various sectors socially, but keeping their daughter-in-law at home when they are menstruating. She said, "At the local level alone, there are 495 people's representatives across the district." Where do they stay in their house when they are menstruating? She said that the campaign will be meaningful only if everyone is committed.

A 16-year-old girl was raped by her relatives in Panchdeval Vinayak-2 on the night of June 3rd.

प्रकाशित : असार १८, २०८१ २१:१६
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