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२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५७

Two Indians arrested for operating fake mainpower

नवीन पौडेल

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The police have arrested two Indian nationals on the charge of operating fake mainpower. The police arrested the owner of JD Mainpower, which was operating without registration from the relevant authorities in Ramgram Municipality-5 Bypass of West Nawalparasi.

Two Indians arrested for operating fake mainpower

In addition, DSP Resham Bohora of District Police Office West Nawalparasi said that the illegally operated main power has also been shut down.

According to the police, in coordination with the Labor and Employment Office Butwal, 24-year-old from Mumbai Nirsag Ravindra Rane and 37-year-old Javed Masih of the same place were arrested.

The police said that a laptop, Indian Aadhaar card, Indian bank checkbook and debit card were recovered from them.

The arrested persons and goods have been handed over to Labor and Employment Office Butwal for necessary action. The administration has requested the victims of the closed main power to contact the Labor and Employment Office Butwal.

प्रकाशित : असार १८, २०८१ १७:१३
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