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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५७

Kantipur workers are rewarded


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Kantipur Karma Jahanna Rasaili has been awarded. In the 14th General Assembly of the Federation of Nepalese Journalists held on Tuesday in Tanahun, Minister of Energy, Water Resources and Drinking Water of Gandaki Province Phanindra Devkota awarded and honored 7 journalists including Kantipur worker Rasaili with various awards.

Kantipur workers are rewarded

Rasaili, a Kantipur worker, has been honored and awarded with the Chiranjeevi Harimaya Memorial Journalism Award established by Senior Advocate Kamalamohan Wagle at the Mahasang Tanahun Branch. The prize amount is ten thousand rupees.

In the same way, Federation Tanahun received the Keval Bahadur Memorial Journalism Award, established by Member of the House of Representatives and former Minister Krishna Kumar Shrestha Kisan, Krishna Neupane, Bhavani Khanal Memorial Journalism Award established by Muktinath Khanal, Rishi Ram Pokhrel, Tikanidhi Dhungana Memorial Vyas Parashar Journalism Award, established by Bhagyashala Dhungana, Madan Wagle, Suraj Gurung Ram Bahadur Ghale received the Memorial Journalism Award, Anjana Timalsena received the Purushottam Kafle Memorial Journalism Award established by Pradeep Kafle, Rajeev Lal Shrestha received the Haribhakt Bhattarai Memorial Journalism Award established by Uttam and Suman Bhattarai. The amount of Suraj Gurung Memorial Award is Rs 5,000 and all other awards are Rs 10,000. Branch President Ujjwal Paudel said that

federation has been awarding journalists who write in the fields of justice, cooperative, religious, cultural and tourism with various academic awards.

प्रकाशित : असार १८, २०८१ १४:०८
जनताको राय

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